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Lotto Jackpot Landed by Second-Tier Winner

Updated: Tuesday 28th April 2020

The Lotto jackpot on New Year’s Eve was won by a single lottery ticket, but it didn’t have to match all six main numbers in order to achieve the feat. Because the top prize had already reached its limit as far as rollover possibilities were concerned (as discussed in our previous news item) and no player was able to win it in the usual way, the jackpot rolled down to the second tier, where just one ticket had matched five main numbers plus the Bonus Ball.

That jackpot had a final value of £26,410,895, and now the nation is waiting for the owner of the winning ticket to come forward and claim that prize. Whether he or she – or they if the prize was landed by a lottery syndicate – will choose to go public with their win or retain their anonymity for as long as possible, is something that we will just have to wait and see. All we know right now is that this is the fifth biggest sum to be won by a single ticket in the history of the game, and the fact that it was won at the second tier makes it even more remarkable.

The main numbers drawn on Saturday 31 December were 10, 17, 35, 41, 51 and 54, and the Bonus Ball number was 25. In addition to the second-tier winner who scooped the jackpot itself, 89 entries matched five main numbers to win £1,383 each at the third tier, and more than 1.6 million tickets won a consolation prize of some kind. 

Whilst the main Lotto game was the centre of attention on Saturday, the Lotto Raffle game also made a big impact on the lives of players. The Lotto Millionaire Raffle code TEAL 4003 7662 was worth £1 million to the player who matched it, and another 120 prizes of £20,000 each were won in the Lotto Raffle game. As always, the full list of winning raffle codes can be found on our Lotto Results page, so do take a close look at those and check your tickets carefully if you haven’t done so already.

The jackpot in the next Lotto draw this Wednesday 4 January, which will be the first draw of 2017, has an estimated value of £2 million. Before we get to that, the first EuroMIllions game of the year takes place on Tuesday 3 January, and the jackpot there will be worth around £21 million. Download one of our free lottery apps to your smartphone if you would like to check the results on your mobile just as soon as the draws have taken place, and good luck with your entries!

Published: Monday 2nd January 2017

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